Get Numbers (Quick Links):
This tool allows you to search for and purchase available DIDs and TF numbers.
Search Type:
Domestic - looking for one or more non consecutive toll DID.
Toll Free - results will be toll free numbers only.
If you need a contiguous block of numbers you must change the dropdown under Quantity Needed from Any to Contiguous.
Search By:
NPA - Search by only the NPA
NPA-NXX - Search by the NPA and NXX
Rate Center - Search for numbers in a specific rate center
Quantity Needed:
Enter the number of DIDs you wish to purchase in the specific area you are searching. (If you wish to see more options, enter a number higher than the amount you are actually wanting to purchase.) You can enter up to 100 in this field. Select the DIDs you want to buy by clicking on the individual numbers in the Results list.
Enter the NPA in which you are searching for numbers.
To purchase DIDs:
Once you have completed the fields above you can click the blue SEARCH button and a list of available results will populate below. You can either select all or click on the individual numbers to highlight/select. Once the number(s) are selected you will need to click the ORDER button at the bottom left of the results list.
*If there are 0 results in the area you are searching you can submit a back order request by clicking the option "Star Backorder" at the top of the results section. This will allow you to enter the specifics you need for your purchase.
Before your order is finalized you will need to review the Order Details and then click the final Order button on the Order Details screen. You can also cancel the order or add additional funds to your account from here if needed.
After DIDs have been purchased the order will show under the Order History tab and the actual numbers will be added to the Configure Numbers tab to allow you to configure them for use. (Please refer to the Configure Numbers Tab Explained article for help with configuring your DIDs.)