CDRs are provided daily via our Inbound CDR FTP. In order to get you into the right place, please follow these directions:
Web Login
1. Login to
2. In the left hand column click on either the Inbound or Outbound tab.
3. Click the CDR FTP sub-tab
4. You will be provided with your credentials. You can use this in an outside FTP client. Some machines (MAC) will allow you to connect directly and will open in your finder.
FTP access was disabled by Chrome/Firefox by those respective companies in 2021. Please use Filezilla and the information below to retrieve your CDR's.
Using FileZilla to connect to FTP:
Download Filezilla click here (
1) Open FileZilla, and click "File", the "Site Manager"
2) Click on "New Site"
3) In the "Host" box type the URL provided from
4) "Protocol" should remain "FTP - File Transfer Protocol"
5) "Encryption" will need to be changed to "Only use plain FTP(Insecure)"
6) "Logon Type" should be changed to "Normal"
7) User and password will be found on the CDR FTP Sub-tab of either the Inbound or Outbound tab
8) Click "connect" to connect to the FTP server
PDF below shows sample site.
If you would like to join your daily CDR's into one monthly CDR file, please follow these simple instructions: HERE
If you need help with this please let us know and we can schedule an engineer to assist.
For the definition of and for assistance understanding fields in the CDR, click HERE.