
API Tokens Explained

Our APIs allow for granularity of products and services. To protect our customers' data and service, we allow for a token to be used for a single service, but for convenience the customer can create a single token for all products and services.


Here is a detailed explanation of each option:


LRN: It allows customers to dip our LRN Database. This is a standalone product (doesn’t need to be used in Inbound or Outbound).

CNAM: It allows customers to dip our CNAM Database. This is a standalone product (doesn’t need to be used in Inbound or Outbound but it can be used with our Inbound DIDs as well).

SMS: This is a service used only with Inbound DIDs. Besides using the token to be able to send messages, the customer will need to individually activate each DID for this service.

Inbound Feature Status: This will allow customers to configure (create/modify/read/delete) individual features of a DID, such as E911 addresses and IOs, CNAM Our names.

Inbound Metrics Status:  This read only feature allows for reporting data on usage for each feature for reporting purposes.

Inbound Number Management Status: This will allow customers to check on a DID or group of DIDs to check for status of routing in Read Only Mode. In Write mode the customer will be able to search for and purchase new DIDs as well as disconnect DIDs.

Inbound SMS Config Status: This will allow for customers to check on (read only) or modify (write) the configuration of SMS (the end points, IP whitelists, Delivery Confirmation URL).


*A good rule of thumb is that we generally prefer sequential requests and won’t have any sort of limit to how many requests are submitted. We would ask you stagger your requests so our system can handle your requests in a timely manner.


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